At this time of year, many of us suffer from a congested system overloaded with foods high in calories but low in nutrients. We tend to reduce the amount of fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, and overdose on heavy, carb laden “comfort food”. Typical Christmas fayre tends to be rich, heavy, stodgy, and full of sugar and fat.

This type of food leaves us feeling heavy, sluggish, lethargic, and depressed.

Starting the New Year with a Juice Cleanse is just what the body needs after all that excess stodge.

What is a juice cleanse diet?

A juice diet is where for a limited period of time 3 to 7 days you only consume fruits and vegetables that have been juiced. This is where all of the pulp, flesh and skin are removed from the fruit, leaving behind the nutrients of the fruit and vegetables. This is a healthy way to lose weight and get your cells operating correctly.

A juice fast means limiting the amount of food that you consume in a day, or fasting from food all together and drinking only juice for a period of time. What is important when doing this type of juice cleanse diet is the quality of food you put into it. There are some juices that are more beneficial than others, so knowing the correct ones to have greatly improve your results.

I know you’re probably thinking there is no way, its wrong to take out all the good stuff from fruit and vegetables, but you actually come up with being able to absorb more of what is left. What most people do not think about is how hard it is on the digestive system to process food; this is why we feel tired after eating, especially heavier foods.

Juicing takes most of the work away from your body, because the process has already been done for you. What you are doing is drinking pure unadulterated nutrients that your body goes and uses as fuel. What you will be experiencing is a weight loss and detoxing of your cells. Which can lead to reduced levels of fatigue and illness.

A juice cleanse diet is the perfect way to start weight loss on the right track after eating an unhealthy Christmas. Once you have done a juice cleanse the way it should be done, you will not want to go back to eating your old unhealthy food. What is great about doing this diet is that there are no strict rules on what you can and cannot have.

What are the benefits of a juicing for weight loss?

A juice fast is a great way to cleanse the whole body, refresh the organs, detox the liver and lose weight fast.

A short-term (5 or 7 days) liquid diet really helps lighten the load on the body so that it can switch its energy into cleansing, healing and restoring function in all systems, including metabolism.

Most importantly, a juice fast helps shrink the stomach and reset the appetite so that we learn to expect and feel comfortable with less.

The benefits of juicing:

  • Detoxifying all your cells, tissues and systems
  • Re-setting the appetite so that you learn to eat less food
  • Burning off energy in order for your body to start burning fat
  • Repairing and regenerating new cells
  • Increasing vitality and energy

How should I prepare for a juice cleanse?

What you need to do is gradually decrease the amount of food that you eat over a period of 4-5 days. On the first day, instead of eating three meals, just have two and then push it down to one on the next day and finally go right into a juice fast on the third day.

What ingredients are good for juicing?

Ingredients such as celery, cucumber, carrots, kale, apple, lemon juice are wonderful for cleansing the system and supporting weight loss. While beetroot and spinach are great for detoxing the liver.

Try to vary the ingredients that you use, so that your juice diet doesn’t become boring. Why not pop in a bit of ginger to spice up your juice a little. Not only does it give your juice a nice kick it has loads of health benefits as well.

At Homefield, our juice ingredients are chosen to provide the maximum health benefit, while reducing overall calorie intake to kickstart weight loss.

But will I feel too hungry on a juice fast?

Most of our clients are amazed that after the first 24hours, they don’t feel hungry at all! While the intake of calories is dramatically reduced, you get all the micronutrients (but not the macro nutrients such as protein and fat) you need in a very bio-available format. It’s a bit like having a vitamin infusion, 3 times per day!! The body is satisfied because it is getting the nutrients it needs.

Of course, you cannot follow a juice cleanse indefinitely. However, a short-term supervised juice cleanse at Homefield can set you on the path of a healthier weight and lifestyle. The benefits of which can last a lifetime.

Book your New Year Juice Cleanse now.

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T. 01536 712 219 (9am-5.30pm)


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