If you’re searching for ways to supercharge your daily stroll, Nordic walking could be the answer! Not only is it an effective exercise for weight loss, but it’s a brilliant opportunity to meet brand-new friends in your local area.

Read on as we explain everything you need to know about Nordic walking, including some of the key Nordic walking benefits and the best techniques for beginners.

What is Nordic Walking?

We know what you’re thinking – what is Nordic walking exactly? Well, in short, it is a pole-based walking method that engages various muscle groups, like the shoulders, chest and arms.

The poles encourage forward propulsion across various terrain, allowing you to build speed without compromising form. Distributing the effort between the upper and lower body is perfect for people with mobility issues because it protects vulnerable joints from heavy impact.

Nordic walking began as a summer training regime for Finnish cross-country skiers. While the use of poles wasn’t new, they coined the phrase and movement style.

Since then, the exercise has gained unprecedented popularity among all ages and abilities. You don’t have to hike up Halti to enjoy the benefits. Instead, visit Nordic Walking in the UK to find a nearby class.

You could also book a walking-inspired retreat that combines exercise with equally nourishing plant-based meals and detox therapies. Taking a holistic approach to your health is the key to long-lasting results!

6 amazing Nordic walking benefits

Nordic walking benefits are multifaceted. Alongside improving your cardiovascular fitness, you’ll feel renewed after spending some time in the great outdoors. Plus, the full-body movement tones muscles for a leaner aesthetic. Who needs complicated gym machines when a couple of walking poles will do?

Nordic Walking

1. Facilitates weight loss

Above all else, Nordic walking promotes lasting weight loss. One fascinating study from the Bristol Nordic Walking organisation compared the number of calories burned between pole-users and non-pole users around the same circuit. The Nordic walkers’ energy expenditure increased by an incredible 45%!

Why does Nordic walking burn more calories? It harnesses different muscle groups for a well-rounded workout. Then, you’ll often tackle tricky surfaces, like fields and hills. A treadmill-like pavement might feel easier, but it doesn’t challenge the body in the same way.

Also Read: What Is The Best Type of Yoga For Weight Loss

2. Sculpts muscles

Of course, we all know that walking is a fantastic lower-body toner. You don’t need to go far – the NHS recommends 10 minutes a day to reap the rewards. However, traditional walking doesn’t shape well-defined biceps, triceps and pecs, which is where Nordic walking has the upper hand.

Using poles demands effort from your upper body. As you propel your arms forward and back, you’ll release tension in your neck and shoulders while building mass.

Best of all, you’ll also strengthen your midsection. Alongside the superficial abdominal muscles in the outer core, you’ll target the deeper stabilising muscles, including the pelvic floor, transversus abdominis and multifidus.

3. Protects sensitive joints

One of our favourite Nordic walking benefits has to be that it’s a low-impact movement. Unlike running, it won’t lead to repetitive strain injuries or tendonitis. Most importantly, classes are usually all levels, meaning anyone can join.

The poles have multiple purposes. On the one hand, they invite you to work harder. On the other, they act as additional support for weak ankles and knees.

4. Boosts circulation

The long, purposeful Nordic walking stride is a remedy for poor circulation. As you move, blood will rush through your extremities, providing muscles with oxygen and nutrients.

Don’t underestimate the importance of proper circulation – it heals injuries faster, sharpens cognitive functions and improves heart health. We recommend complementing Nordic walking with regular massages that stimulate the lymphatic system and decrease swelling.

5. Enhances mental wellbeing

There’s nothing more relaxing than switching off your technology, donning your Nordic walking boots and exploring the natural beauty on your doorstep!

Spending time outside combats depression and anxiety by producing mood-boosting brain chemicals, like serotonin. In fact, it’s so effective that doctors have started to prescribe it alongside traditional medicines.

The more rural the landscape, the better. One study found that people who walked in nature had lower heart rates, higher heart rate variability and a sunnier disposition than those who walked in urban settings.

6. Builds a sense of community

We’ve all felt lonely at some point in our lives. However, chronic loneliness is a mental health crisis, especially among the older population. Exercise classes are a solution to social isolation, thanks to their emphasis on community and togetherness.

You’re bound to meet like-minded individuals as you nourish your wellbeing. You could even check out a multi-day Nordic walking event or festival that combines movement with mouth-watering food, camping and music.

What’s the best Nordic walking technique for beginners?

The best Nordic walking technique for beginners can be broken down into five easy-to-follow steps, including:

  1. Posture – Before you set off, think about your posture. Keep your spine long, your shoulders relaxed and your chin level.
  2. Walk – Distribute the weight evenly between both feet. Land with a soft heel strike, roll through your foot and push forward with your toes.
  3. Drag – You might prefer to drag the poles until you coordinate the arm movement. Let the poles slide along the ground as you swing your torso forward and back.
  4. Plant – Once you’ve mastered dragging, lift the poles off the ground while maintaining a neutral arm swing. Plant your pole before starting your backwards swing, just in front of your back foot.
  5. Push – Drive the poles into the ground and push backwards to encourage forward propulsion. This movement activates your upper body, increasing power output.

Start your fitness journey with Nordic walking

Now we’ve run through Nordic walking benefits and how to go about it, it’s time to grab your poles! If you’d like to learn from an expert, book a residential health retreat that blends Nordic walking techniques with exercise classes and dietary advice.

Have more questions?

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T. 01536 712 219 (9am-5.30pm)

E. enquiries@homefieldgrange.co.uk

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